Group Training Session

Saturday morning group session

Tom Hall Fitness Saturday morning group session is a 2-hour high-intensity session for a total body workout. Combining weights, bodyweight and cardio exercises that focus on your strength and endurance.

  • Warm up

  • Upper body

  • Lower body

  • Core

  • Cardio

  • Stretch

It’s ideal for everyone, whether you can’t train regularly during the week but still want to maintain a total body workout or if you want to take your training into the weekend for that extra fat burning, body toning workout.

As numbers are limited, booking is mandatory. Contact us today to book your place.

Weekly group training Sessions

Tom Hall Fitness group sessions are an ideal alternative to get that PT feel, without the 1:1 cost. All our group sessions are drop in, no pre-payment is required. You can mix and match the sessions each week with no commitment.

Reduced cost - Just £15 per session
Meet like-minded people and enjoy socialising.
Tailored sessions, go at your own pace, mixed level ability
Women only session available
Men only sessions available

Ladies Groups
Monday 8am
Tuesday 9am
Wednesday 5pm
Thursday 5pm
Friday 8am

Mixed Group
Wednesday 6pm

Men’s groups
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6am

Please arrive at least 5 minutes early to warm up.

If you would like to find out more about each session and availability Contact us